Open Studios

Please note that using our spaces requires that you be a currently registered Corcoran student who has completed training before use, and availability is contingent on class schedules.
If you have any questions, contact [email protected] .

Please consult individual online studio schedules to see availability and last-minute changes. Put in week mode!



Submitting Print Jobs


Need large format ink-jet prints? Have laser jobs and 3D prints to submit to the service bureau? Submit print jobs on our web portal: link is the only method to submit jobs.




New Virtual Machines for Students


All students enrolled in Corcoran classes now have access to virtual machines. A ‘virtual machine’ is another computer that you can log into remotely—all you need is an internet connection and a device with a browser. For example, a virtual machine can be handy if you need to create an architectural rendering or complex motion graphic that requires a powerful GPU, but you only have a modest laptop. The machines have most (but not all) of the software found in the Corcoran labs. Read more about this new tool below.

Virtual Machines Guide




Studio staff are available to answer your questions! Email us at [email protected]. You must be logged in to your GW account to view these forms and calendars. 



Studios are only available during designated open studios. Most studios require training before hand and all require some level of previous experience to access. Studio staff will not teach you completely new processes but are here to provide access to the studios and assist with technical and conceptual asepects of your practice. You may not be in the maker studios during scheduled classtimes. You are responsible for providing your own materials. Consult the open studio calendars to plan when to use each studio. You must be logged in to your GW email to view calendars.

For the best viewing experience, select "week" view in each calendar.



Basic rules and expectations:

  • B200
  • For students currently enrolled in a Form & Materials and Experimental Materiality



Basic rules and expectations:

  • Requires you are enrolled in a class
  • Must have signed a studio policy agreement


Darkroom Photography

Basic rules and expectations:

  • For photography and new media students
  • Must be currently enrolled in or have previously taken a darkroom photography class
  • Photography equipment rental performed by lab tech
  • Signed studio policy agreement


Digital Photography

Basic rules and expectations:

  • For photography and new media students
  • 2A03 is for small printing and image processing
  • 2A04 Wide format printing is for 44"- 62" photographic printing
  • Lab tech can check out photography equipment 


Drawing Studio B154 

Basic rules and expectations: 

  • For students currently enrolled, or previously enrolled in a painting or drawing course
  • Open studio for painting and drawing when B152 is unavailable
  • Signed studio policy agreement
  • Cannot be used during classtime


Lighting Studio (143) and Checkout (B-117)

Basic rules and expectations:

  • Reservation must be made in advance, if no reservation has been made, anyone can walk in for open studio
  • Reserve your appointment at the calendar below
  • You are permitted one 2-hour reservation per day. You may continue working past your allotted time if no one else has reserved the studio or shown up during open lab
  • Strobes ony allowed to be used by students enrolled in, or have previously taken, a studio lighting course
  • Anyone 30 minutes late will forfeit their reservation
  • Checkout is open whenever the lighting studio is. Located at B-117
  • You do not need to reserve a time to checkout. Lights can be checked out and returned at checkout even when lighting studio is booked


Fabrication Lab

This studio is operating as a service bureau as well as a hands-on open studio for laser cutters and 3D printers

Please submit jobs to
We will do our best to get everything back to you as soon as we can, but there may be some delays. 

  • Students must receive training by studio staff
  • A mask must be worn at all times and students must sign in
  • For the service bureau, pick up time is up to four business days 
  • Fab Lab Service Bureau Guide
  • Files must be uploaded using the following form: 


Mold Making

Basic rules and expectations:

  • Requires training by studio staff, sign up here
  • Signed studio policy agreement.
  • For students currently enrolled in foundations, ceramics, or have previously taken a class using this studio



Basic rules and expectations:

  • For students currently enrolled, or previously enrolled in a painting course
  • Signed studio policy agreement
  • Cannot be used during classtime
  • No aersols or solvents permitted besides Gamsol


Printmaking & Risograph

Basic rules and expectations:

  • Must be enrolled in or have previously taken a printmaking class
  • Signed studio policy agreement
  • Previous experience is a requirement
  • Studios are to be used for arts practice only, not for personal posters, t-shirts, etc. 


Print Service Bureau

  • Large format ink-jet prints
  • 24" or 44" width
  • Epson Enhanced Matte Paper
  • 24-48 hour turn around
  • No trimming done by staff
  • Pick up prints on racks outside of B137
  • Print and Service Bureau Guide

Submit print jobs on our web portal:




Basic rules and expectations:

  • Must be enrolled in or have taken a woodshop class
  • Requires training by studio staff 
  • Signed studio policy agreement.
  • Not for personal projects, for sculpture / arts practice use only
  • If you need minimal cuts made studio staff will do this for you and you will not be required to go through training.
    email [email protected] to make arrangements.


Critique Space - Smith Hall of Art

Basic rules and expectations:

  • No items can be left hanging or in the space
  • Chairs and Tables are not to be removed
  • No painting on walls
  • Pin work up on walls only. Tacks are in the space
  • No art making in this space, for installation and presentation only
  • AV Cart with projector in space
  • Track Lighting
  • 2 hour blocks of time
  • Sign up here: