
Upcoming Auditions


Performance is at the heart of the programs of Music, Theatre and Dance — and sometimes even beyond. Our students in these programs have opportunities to perform with professionals in and outside of the Corcoran to further expand experiences. From roles on-stage and off, you have the chance to share performances and stories with audiences around campus. 

All GW students are invited to take dance, music and theatre classes and audition for music ensembles, plays and performances. Check out dates and more information about auditions.


Performance is a key area of study in our Bachelor of Arts in Theatre program. However, many students at GW, both enrolled in the program and not, find opportunities to participate and perform for audiences across campus.



Fall Auditions: The Book of Everything and Civilities

CTAD's theatre productions for the Fall semester are The Book of Everything, directed by Professor Morgan Duncan, and Civilities, devised and directed by Holly Bass.  Both productions will be auditioning on the same evenings.

Auditions | August 26 & 27, 2024 from 5:30 PM-10:00 PM
Callbacks | August 28, 2024 from 5:30 PM-10:00 PM

Please come prepared to read the material found in the audition sign-up. You should also be prepared to respond to a prompt for movement/improvisation. We invite anyone with theatre, dance, or music interests to audition. This show is open to ALL GWU COMMUNITY MEMBERS.

The Book of Everything by Richard Tulloch, based on the book by Guus Kuijer, Directed by Professor Morgan Duncan.

Who sees tropical fish thriving in the Amsterdam canals, trumpeting sparrows, and even a hailstorm of frogs? Thomas! But he also has negative visions: the unhappiness of his family, the violence in his father, and the damage that lingers long after the war is over. And he writes it all down, ugly and beautiful in his powerful Book of Everything.

Rehearsal + Production Schedule

Rehearsals | September 3- October 6, 2024 (Scheduling is flexible and rehearsal does not exceed 20 hours per week.)
Performances | October 3-October 6, 2024

Civilities, Devised and Directed by Holly Bass

A devised play about history, white femininity, fragility, decorum, democracy, and emancipation. Or in other words, how to secede without really trying. This work draws on text from the Declaration of Causes of the Seceding States: Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.

Rehearsal + Production Schedule

Rehearsals | September 16- November 3, 2024 (Scheduling is flexible and rehearsal does not exceed 20 hours per week.)
Performances | October 31-November 3, 2024




Fall Auditions: Dance Concert

Directed by Jessica Denson

Who: All dancers - declared Major/Minor not necessary
What: Auditions for the 2024 Fall Dance Concert
When: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 6:00 -10:00 PM
Where: Betts Theatre, University Student Center

Please come in dance clothes and bring your schedule; you will be asked to share your weekly availability when you arrive. This is the best opportunity to get to know the wonderful community that is the GW Dance program!

Performance Dates: November 14, 15, 16, 2024 at 7:30 PM 

More information can be found on the Google Form below! Hope to see you there!




Band & Orchestra Audition Information

University Singers
Tuesday, August 27 10am-1pm    B145 
Wednesday, August 28 3-6pm    B145 

Prof. Erin Freeman [email protected]
Prof. Jeff Kempskie [email protected]

Hip Hop Ensemble
Thursday, Aug 29 8:30pm-10pm   B120   

Prof. Dumi Right  [email protected]

Jazz Ensembles
Friday, August 30 1pm-3pm   B120 

Prof. Peter Fraize [email protected]

Interested in joining an ensemble, taking lessons, or taking CMUS 1106: Intro to Music Performance?

All Students interested in the following Ensembles can self-enroll for 1 credit!

  • University Singers
  • Hip Hop Ensemble
  • Jazz Ensembles / Latin Band
  • Chamber Ensemble
  • Percussion Ensemble
  • Symphonic Band

If you've performed with the Orchestra or Wind Ensemble previously and been approved for self-enrollment, you will ALSO be able to self-register for 1-credit of both of these ensembles!

If you need to register for 0 credits for any ensemble, due to being a part time student, graduate student, or if you do not have room in your schedule for an additional credit, please fill out the Ensemble Registration Form. Be sure to include a comment explaining why you need to register for 0 credits; students with room in their schedules will be asked to self-enroll for 1 credit unless an explanation is given. 

The Google Form can also be used if you have a time conflict to override the registration restrictions in banner - include that information in the comments as well to explain why you need to use the form, rather than self-registering on banner. 

Lessons are only offered to Music minors and majors and are either half an hour (one credit) or an hour (two credits). Click here to register. 

If you are interested in taking lessons, but not sure about declaring a minor, CMUS 1106:  Intro to Music Performance may be right for you! You can find out more about this course and others at this link.

Music Ensemble Registration